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fdhfdh :: WoW:Tips about players

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United States - edgfx
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: 10-man Strategy Of WoW(part one) - 27/02/2010 03:44

With regard to 10-man Strategy Of  WoW, you will want an offtank to click the table Putricide stands at, especially before he is pulled to become the Abomination for the fight. You may need some cheap World of Warcraft gold to help you play the game much better! Then at 35%, the offtank helps tank Putricide. Since this encounter depends heavily on high DPS and much of the damage is avoidable, using two healers instead of three provides added DPS to the encounter.

Phase 1: 100% to 80%.
Putricide will spawn growing slime pools throughout the encounter, which the abomination pilot eats to gain ooze power. You may need some professional WoW powerleveling. If you are almost out of ooze, stop eating puddle to keep your source of ooze power, as you will need the ooze power to snare the Volatile Oozes and Gas Clouds. You will cause 4,000 damage every 2 seconds to the raid while an abomination is piloted. If your abominations dies, you can click the table again to obtain a new one.

You can start with Tank Putricide next to the Orange tank on the left side of the room. Not long after the pull you will see a raid warning for "Unstable Experiment," which causes a Volatile Ooze to spawn next to the Green tank on the right side of the room. Ranged DPS should switch to it immediately and melee DPS should switch to it as soon as it is clear who it is targetting. The Volatile Ooze will root a player in place and move towards them; your abomination pilot needs to snare it with Regurgitated Ooze. It will explode for 175,000 damage split between every player standing on top of the affected person. When the Volatize Ooze is close, all players should collapse on the affected player. If the Ooze is not yet dead, it will gain a new target and do the same thing. It needs to die quickly.

After the Ooze is dead, move Putricide next to the Green tank. He will soon cast another Unstable Experiment and spawn a Gas Cloud next to the Orange tank. The Gas Cloud also follows a random player, applying a dot called Gaseous Bloat on them, which requires a lot of healing. Gaseous Bloat starts with numerous stacks that decrease over time. The Gas Cloud should reach it is targetted player while stacks still remain, the raid costs a large amount of damage, wiping the raid potentailly. The targetted player must kite the cloud around the room while everyone else kills it. The abomination pilot should also snare it. Putricide should be moved back to the Orange tank after this. The add spawns alternately in a predictable manner. One part is over!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: Details of WoW 3.0.2 Holy Paladin(part two) - 21/02/2010 03:18

Hello friends, happy to see you in our website!

Here are some details of WoW 3.0.2 Holy Paladin, hope it could help you. By the way, our website provide cheap wow gold. If you are interested in it, please contact our customer service through live chat to know more of it.

If you would like to put Beacon on yourself, that is ok, but please don't think that it will proc Spiritual Attunement and offer you mana... "Spiritual Attunement: A passive ability that gives the Paladin mana when healed by other friendly targets' spells. Here you can enjoy most secure WoW powerleveling.  The amount of mana gained is equal to X% of the amount healed." So since you're healing yourself, it does not offer you mana.

Pretty much everyone in your raid is now pumping out massive amounts of mana, therefore the problem of going oom isn't there like it was before. Pre-patch you were a mana pot junkie, and now you rarely even take advantage of the 1 per fight available to you.

-and to answer the question of 'why benediction'? it's because now you will be using Holy Shock. You'll be using it a lot. In fact, Flash of Light, Holy Shock and Beacon of Light are going to be your top 3 heals. They've imp'd the range, therefore it makes it a very useful spell.

Don't forget about Holy Light, because it's a great heal. It's main problem before was that it was a 2.5 second cast and it used an insane amount of mana, it still uses mana, but now if you've proc'd Infusion of Light, and have your Lights Grace, a holy light can now be cast in 1 second. Therefore it's not a bad idea to take advantage of that sometimes.

The 2 main problems Holy Pallys had w/ competeing w/ other healers is that you never had HoTs or aoe. This brings you to 'Glyphs and why they've made Holy Pallys amazing.

Thanks for your hunting.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: Racial mounts of WoW reputation guide(part two) - 03/02/2010 01:36

Dear friends, have a wonderful time in WoW!

Here are some useful information on Racial mounts of reputation guide, hope it could help you. If you have no time to earn the most secure WoW powerleveling,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price. We will try our best to help you. 

2) repeatable quest turnins in AV - Alterac Valley

It's a BG - Battleground, so pvp(wow gold).

Again level requirements. Minimum lvl 51 to even enter AV, much less do any of these quests.

Alliance turn in Storm Crystals to Arch Druid Renferal.

Horde turn in Soldier's Blood to Primalist Thurloga: 75 Org rep and 18 or 19 to each of the other 4.

Everybody turn in Armor Scraps; alliance to Murgot Deepforge, horde to Smith Regzar: 10 Ironforge (or Org) rep and 2 or 3 to each of the other 4.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer service by live chat, we will help you there.

Thank you for your patient reading!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: WoW PVP tactics on Fighting Classes - 28/01/2010 03:52

Dear friends, welcome to Goldceo!

We collect some useful information on WoW PVP tactics on Fighting Classes from other websites, hope it could help you. If you have no time to earn the cheapest wow gold,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price. We will try our best to help you. 

When selecting your server, it is a choice you made whether you would like to take part in Player versus Player combat constantly. Playing on a PvP(buy wow gold) server leaves you open to attack, and it can be annoying to have your questing interfered with by unwanted PvP. On regular servers this is not the case, and one faction cannot attack the other without question. However, you can still choose to participate in PvP by joining a Battleground, by joining or creating an Arena team at level 70, or by joining the world PvP in Outland. Warlocks are quite good at PvP, but are really difficult to play. Thee are so many options, so many choices that have to be made in an instant. The smallest mistake can mean defeat.

Some general tips:
If you're fighting a Priest or another Warlock, Shadow Ward can help to absorb damage, and to prevent spell interruptions through DoT damage. Here you can get the most secure WoW powerleveling. Fear and Seduce are on the same diminishing returns timer. Using either Fear, Seduce or a combination of the two more then once will make their duration shorter. 50% shorter on the second cast, 75% on the third cast after which the target is immune to both for 15 seconds. Collect the honor points required to buy an Insignia of the Horde/Alliance, and you'll have a means to break free of crowd control once. Get a Minor Speed enchantment on your boots. It will allow you to run slightly faster than those without it. Consider using a Spellstone. You have to give up your wand for it, but the ability to get rid of a slew of dots with a single click is quite valuable.

Fighting The Classes
To be the most effective in PvP, you will adapt yourself to each class, and use much different tactics for fighting a hunter than you would say, a priest. Note that the below tactics are assuming a 1 v 1 fight, without interference from other parties. While this rarely happens in mass PvP or Battlegrounds, you can still use some of the principles listed below for each class, and maybe learn a little more about the classes you fight as well.

Thanks for reading and have a good time.