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fdhfdh :: WoW:Tips about players

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif 記事: Black Conrad's Treasure in WoW - 30/07/2010 06:11

Terry finished to a handsome man (36,80) to talk about WoW. To meet with rogue angle Anniboen deputy commander (behind the house upstairs 35,79) to talk about. Fish Kamimagari rogue angle Anniboen 35,79 want you to bring her to telescope. (First and beat cave entrance, and then half the blood he would run away, go inside a Hasse 33,78, kill to get the telescope).

Tap House corner gambling rogue g (36,81) go back to your bank Month Harry (35,81) in arrears level(wow gold). Jack likes his drinks Tower House grams should you go back Jack Adams arrears, in Howling Fjord his rogue angle. (35,80 house looking for rogue peasant girls, Olga, please buy alcohol to drink Jack Adams, Jack Adams drunken arrears can get him).

The dead angle of the tower gambling rogue Lu Ke Conrad Black wants you to find the treasure (32,60), spear in the group of islands northeast of the plateau level(WoW powerleveling), just north of Istanbul examination. (Eastman examination of the north, there is a mound 32,60, Conrad opened the ghost of a black, killed to get treasure). Clean soap rogue angle east Sightseeing Cruise History jiadou cream first (38,79) should you go and get big Roy (31,78) of oil as his main material magic cleaning soap

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif 記事: Different rank information in WoW(part two) - 12/05/2010 05:55

ier 6 Requires 25 points in WoW Survival talents
Resourcefulness– rank 3/3 (Reduces the mana cost of all traps and melee abilities by 20/40/60% and reduces the cooldown of all traps by 6 sec.) If you are intending for a Survival/PvP build, this talent is probably rather important for your build. Here you can get the cheapest World of Warcraft gold in our website. Pay attention that it is only truly useful in melee combat, or the cost of your traps, not any of your ranged abilities.

Lightning Reflexes–rank 5/5 (Increases your Agility by 3/6/9/12/15%.)
Great talent, but not as helpful if you don't have very solid +AGI gear. You could still be a very well-respected and liked talent overall. You could help a lot in the higher end-game.

Tier 7– Requires 30 points in Survival talents
Thrill of the Hunt–rank 3/3 (Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to regain 40% of the mana cost of any shot when it critically hits.)
A somewhat useful talent. Useful when using your Stings, Aimed Shot, Multi-Shot, Volley, and Arcane Shot. If you are in hand-to-hand combat, this won't make any difference. What is more, you can get the most secure WoW powerleveling in our website.

Wyvern Sting–rank 1/1 (A stinging shot that puts the target to sleep for 12 sec. Any damage will do no use to the effect. When the target wakes up, the Sting causes 300 Nature damage over 12 sec. Only usable and are out of combat. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on the target at a time. Requires 3/3 points in Killer Instinct. (115 Mana. 8-35 yd. range. Attack speed. 2 min. cooldown.))
Considered the 31 point talent of the Survival talent tree. At rank 3, it does 600 damage. Situational and countered by Will of the Abolish and Forsaken Poison. Due to it's needing distance, it isn't good to close range emergency escapes. It is very good for initial crowd control and against healers. It becomes helpful to casters and  Warriors to take them out of the fight early. Long cooldown makes it not as useful as it could be. You should leave time to line up an Aimed Shot, and send your pet into attack though.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif 記事: WoW Information: Warlock Minions - 29/04/2010 04:06

Succubus– At level 20, your WoW Succubus quest is available. This minion inflicts a high amount of damage on your foes, but is rather fragile. If you have no time to earn the cheapest World of Warcraft gold,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price. We will try our best to help you. The Succubus has an amazing damage output, especially when attacking monsters with Lash of Pain. It is also good at crowd control with Soothing Kiss and Seduce to mesmerize a humanoid for a short while. In groups and for dueling, this sometimes is a good choice. Personally, you don't use it solo as the Imp has turned out to be the most effective unless you are dueling certain classes. Requires Soul Shard to summon.

Felhunter– At level 30(WoW powerleveling), you can start the quest series which will reward you with the ability to summon a Felhunter. This minion is the best against enemy casters. Requires Soul Shard to summon.

Inferno–Summons a meteor from the twisting nether, causing 200 Shadow damage and stunning all enemy targets in area for 2 sec. An infernal rises from the crater, under the command of the caster. Once control is lost, the Infernal must be controlled to maintain control. Requires a reagent. Usable outdoors only. The quest for the Infernal can be found in Felwood. The summoned Infernal will now be enslaved for 5 minutes before turning on it's summoner. That is all, hope it could help you more or less.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif 記事: Part two: D.E.H.T.A. in camp of WoW(57, 44) - 06/04/2010 04:17

Go on your WoW D.E.H.T.A. reading:
4, rhino king Nied ... - 『』 Kielinger den caretaker (57, 44) asks you to kill the king of 『rhino and his companion Abu Nidal』and his partner『lunchbox, back after the completion of the north wind Tundra DEHTA return to him in camp. Here you can buy wow gold. (They are in the 47,41 area)

5, be happy as the clam - northerly tundra, DEHTA in the camp priest Sainiu Si (57, 44) requires you to kill 10 crazy divers swept Po. (West of the lake.)

5.1, the abandoned territory -  found priest Sainiu Si in the abandoned territory (57,55).

5.2, under our guard, not even think - northerly tundra, the priest Lian Zhuo in the abandoned territory (57,55) wants you to get 12 boxes of animal limbs. (Below are many places near the beach.)

5.3, terrible clamshell master - to kill the clam Master Kai (60,66 underwater) and return to the camp in search DEHTA priest Sainiu Si.

6, assassinating Haluodelanen - Big Deluyilasuo Lie Si requires you to kill Haluodelanen (49,41). (This guy 50007 blood, be the first login to the North Pole a monster of a challenge, and recommendations to team up to do.)

* Completion of the tasks above all DEHTA get DEHTA success of small PITA. (Follow DEHTA concept, complete all the tasks can be completed, including the assassination of Haluodelanen.)By the way, if you want to buy professional WoW powerleveling, please go to our site and have a look, we have enough stock anytime.